Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bridging The Divide

Our current workplace is very different today then it was a few years ago. There's a wider range of age groups with differing attitudes, values, and motivators working together on the same team.

Inter-generational interactions are common in the workplace and we're starting to see much more attention paid to this as analysts are studying how to make it all work.

With so much talk spent on the issues related to this new workforce, it's really easy to get caught up and overlook the fact that what we're really talking about how we get people of diverse backgrounds and interests to co-exist and function as a team.

Clearly, a non functioning team is an ineffective one whether it's in the workplace or the basketball court.

Getting people from different backgrounds on the same page is a clear and recognizable issue to many so I've called on the services of Dr. Graeme Codrington to help us make sense of it all on the next edition of HCL Radio.

One of the things he said was, "I actually think this generational stuff is more of a short hand way of talking about bigger cultural shifts and societal shifts that are taking place in the world."

Dr. Codrington is based out of London, England and is the co-founder of Tomorrow Today, a global consulting firm with a successful track record of helping companies connect with their most valuable customers and talented staff, in a manner that drives down costs and increases sales.

The good doctor is an expert on the new world of work and multi-generational workplaces. As a writer, speaker and strategy consultant, he has helped thousands of business leaders get more from their people and improve sales by understanding how to influence others.

Join us on the next episode of HCL Radio as Dr. Codrington helps us break down this truly global phenomenon.

Thanks for reading!

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1 comment:

  1. Baby boomers, generation X, generation Y, by whatever name you wish to call them, this is a key business topic for today's world. Just the differences in work ethics can make building a cohesived team difficult. Mary G.


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