If You Will Lead is the title of Doug Moran's latest book and it uses the power of storytelling to teach leadership lessons. It combines bigger-than-life examples with everyday stories to help leaders apply these lessons to their own leadership challenges.
Doug visited HCL Radio for second time and we had a great chat about the importance of leaders having an awareness of themselves and his new book, "If You Will Lead"
As a starting point, Doug also provided four critical questions that every leader needs to consider:
1) Who am I , and what do I believe? 2) What do I want? 3) How will I attract and motivate others? 4) How will I earn and retain the privilege to lead?
Listen to my conversation with Doug by clicking below..
Andy Hill is a motivational speaker and author who experienced a great deal of success as president of two media companies, CBS Productions and Channel One Network. While there, he was responsible for producing shows such as Touched By Angel, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman and Walker Texas Ranger.
These shows were based on lessons he learned from Coach John Wooden as a member of three NCAA basketball teams.
An interesting note - Andy was one of the 13 players in NCAA history to do this.
It was fitting to have Andy back on the program as we continued to pay tribute to the life of Coach Wooden and his philosophies that made him special to so many people.
Their relationship was a unique one because Andy didn't develop an appreciation for his coach's teachings while he played for him. This was primarily because he didn't receive very much playing time and as a result, Andy became bitter and resentful and didn't speak with Coach Wooden for over 25 years after he left UCLA.
They later re-connected and Andy dedicated his professional speaking career to sharing Coach Wooden's philosophy and the power and wisdom of The Pyramid of Success.
Click below to listen to my conversation with Andy as he reflects on his personal memories between he and the coach.